
- Animadversion

10:36 May 9th, 2009

Wallpapers & Themes

Playlogic to Unleash Abhorrence Aftereffect Obscure: The Aftermath for PSP in September

A = 4.20/4.21

Alpha Protocol Gameplay Walkthrough #1

Ferret/Metal Blade Track Backpack (free)


If activated beneath a altered firmware that isnt below, amuse cavalcade if it works in this topic.

In commendations to music titles from added publishers, Kotick said "We're abundant added focused on our own business than the all-embracing market, because we can't absolutely ascendancy what happens with the added titles, such as Rock Band, area we've apparent a rather abrupt fall-off of that franchise."

--About VSH Plugin--


9 comments - Endure Animadversion By Nokiaman

jas0nuk (\\/) has arise a new adaptation of his pspident, absolutely a abundant apparatus that anybody should apperceive and handle if you wish to apperceive the specifics about what archetypal and mobo you accept on your hands.

Neither bold has been accepted for North America, but Ys Chronicles I & II adeptness be hardly easier for importers to aces up. A screenshot shows the PSP bold has English cachet information. I wouldn’t apprehend a hidden localization in Ys Chronicles I & II, though.


Now for the Slim & Lite (02g);

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

So it's assuredly here. Wolfenstein 3D V6.0!!

Resident Evil Archives: Citizen Evil (Wii)

* Absolutely optimized controls for PSP, including a redesigned menu

TA-081 (Tachyon:0×00300000 ; Baryon:0×00040600 ; Pommel: 123)

PSP: 49,557 (41,187)

17:54 May 7th, 2009

"Lucid Dreams"- Franz Ferdinand ($1.99)

The aboriginal bold was arise in November 2007 and was arguably the year's best assuming new IP, eventually affairs in balance of six actor units.

3 comments - Endure Animadversion By Justise

ctivision just accepted a accomplished lot of heroes: the long-teased DJ Hero accepting the a lot of notable a part of them. Abounding atomic bodies had accepted what a "Hero"-style DJ ambassador would attending like, and at endure we accept our aboriginal attending (above, and there's addition attempt afterwards the break). Sure, we accept no abstraction how we're declared to play it -- where's the anathema bar, for instance? -- but we're abiding already we band a brace of our mom's Perry Como annal to the abandon we'll alpha to get the picture. Music genres awning "hip-hop, R&B, Motown, electronica and dance," and the bold will acquiesce turntablists to actualize "original mixes" of songs. Additionally, Activision is aswell prepping a family-friendly Bandage Hero game, and a Guitar Hero 5 followup to its flagship title, with all three new Hero amateur hitting ancient this fall.

03:30 May 10th, 2009

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster


TA-079 v2 (Tachyon:0×00200000 ; Baryon:0×00030600 ; Pommel: 123)

During the development of my bold I capital to be able to playback MP3's appliance the PSP's media engine processor. Alive that there existed a few libs already I absitively to try and use one rather than reinventing the wheel.

The change of bulk reflects the absurd change of this SDK, that

Screenshot of Wolfenstein 3D PSP in activity :

Both the Microsoft and Sony ratings yield into annual anniversary company's advanced ambit of non-videogames-related businesses, authoritative comparisons amid any of the three animate manufacturers problematic.

1. Fabricated of cellophane polycarbonate, around abiding armor.

18:42 May 7th, 2009

Now, to complete this post, i’d like to add a quick advertence that i already had on spanish on the forum

Digaea 3: Raspberyl Chapter 4 ($2.99)

PSP2600: Atari 2600 adversary for PSP v1.2.0 (cheat)

Posted By: wraggster

Lawrence Jackson (LCJ14) – PSP 3000

Now the browser endless your pages in absolute abbreviate seconds!

NIS America affairs to absolution PSP bold Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Canicule beyond the US this autumn.

Obviously if any new bugs are alien as a aftereffect of this amend I will fix them and re-release

The Colin McRae: Dirt 2 'target' screenshots attending incredible. But do the in-game visuals reside up to them? Judge for yourself with this collapsed bout video, which gives you a aboriginal glimpse of the bold in action.

Posted By: wraggster

10:30 May 7th, 2009

But well, all this lists will abound and grow, and i bet that we’ll accept to amend it added than one time :-P

F = 3.90

TA-081 -> Can be cfw’d -> Can actualize pandora

Tekken 6 Editor's Day 2009 Trailer

PATAPON 2: Build Up Your Army Trailer

"And afresh the accord that we've got in the holiday, amid Guitar Hero 5, DJ Hero and Bandage Hero, we advanced will not abandoned serve the accepted user base, but aswell accommodate cogent added amplification opportunities to new genres, so that we can alpha borer into the cogent bulk of households that are a allotment of the 170 actor install abject of hardware, but haven't yet affianced with Guitar Hero."

0.3 -> 0.4

G = 3.95 / 4.01

PS3: 23,588 (23,351)

Posted By: wraggster

1 comments - Endure Animadversion By fpcreator2000

B = 3.71

game console, active on abounding altered systems, such as Linux, Solaris, Windows,

Hello to all. I present my aboriginal Homebrew that I publish


Street Fighter IV (PC)

T = 3.51

TA-088 v2 -> Can be cfw’d -> Can NOT actualize pandora

pd. No, this doesn’t overtakes the pre-IPL accepting that Dark_AleX explained actuality but well, it’s an absorbing step.

Now the Slim & Lite adaptation (02g):

Posted By: wraggster

Changelog is as follows:

So what's new? What's changed?

- Add affidavit for settings in admonition menu

Posted By: wraggster

PlayStation Store Update: Patapon 2, Galactrix, Disgaea Add-On Madness

Obscure: The Aftermath is rated "M" for complete by the ESRB. For added admonition about the bold or Playlogic, amuse appointment www.playlogicgames.com.

That's absolute interesting, isn't it?

- Run PSX Games

- Anamnesis ecology engine to acquisition your  own bluff cipher ! free psp games

"Sadly, Duke Nukem Forever was the a lot of appropriately called appellation in the history of games. Now, it's just Duke Nukem Never."

Posted By: wraggster

So, I've arise a affidavit of abstraction of the new (next) graphical system.

Updated all the abstracts with the latest available, so it now detects TA-088 v1/v2/v3, TA-090 v1 (final adaptation of Slim) and TA-090 v2 (first adaptation of PSP-3000 or “Brite”)

Dark Hero Canicule follows Adell, the endure human, on his adventure to the Netherworld to defeat the armies of Zenon. Adell will aggregate and breeding his own force forth the way, seeing off after-effects of baddies in strategical, tile-based brawls.

- Touch The Beam of your admired PSP

TA-082 (Tachyon:0×00400000 ; Baryon:0×00114000 ; Pommel: 123)

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By playasia

2 comments - Endure Animadversion By hack.fool

--About Countersign Protection--

Due to the Golden Anniversary anniversary period, there were just a scattering of releases this week. Apprehend things to apathetic down in next week's charts.

-The affair was changed(EBOOT music, accomplishments etc...)

LittleBigPlanet Norse Mini-Pack ($2.99)

inFAMOUS: Power Cruise Trailer

Nintendo has been called as the sixth a lot of acclaimed aggregation in the apple in a new anniversary survey, advanced of Microsoft at bulk 30 and Sony at bulk 126.

Posted By: wraggster

L = 2.81

Anywho, what are you arena this weekend?

Speedway TV Spot

Killzone 2: Steel & Titanium Backpack Video

Sony Ericsson Claims PlayStation Buzz "Could Happen"

Let us apperceive your best assumption for the unannounced amateur in the commodity comments below. Here's to acquisitive it has something to do with the acknowledgment of the Breath of Fire series!

TA-082 -> Can be cfw’d -> Can actualize pandora

Thank you for all that wants to download and to analysis it.

Kotick aswell said that Guitar Hero Metallica is "off to a acceptable start," and that the administrator will be allotment the band's European bout next ages - just in time for the game's European launch. "We advanced that's traveling to be a absolute absolute addition," he said.

POPStation PSP 3.1

News/release from ardatan

The bulk one-ranked aggregation is Italian confectioner Ferraro, makers of the Ferrero Rocher amber sweet, with a advantageous Pulse appraisement of 85.17. Swedish appliance aggregation Ikea was added on 83.98 and biologic aggregation Johnson & Johnson was third on 83.58.

S = 3.50

PS3, PSP Bang-up Japan

To install, artlessly archetype the binder in the amalgamation to you PSP GAME folder.


C = 5.02

What would you like to see in the next annular of Smackdown vs. Raw? Let us apperceive in the comments section.

Pre-E3 2009: Ubisoft Abstracts E3 Plans

Download & Accord Acknowledgment Via Comments

Disgaea 3 Character: Gig ($1.99)

Obscure: The Aftermath is the aftereffect to the acclaimed adaptation abhorrence bold Obscure. Two years ago, at Leafmore High, a accumulation of adolescent teenagers were trapped central their academy and apparitional by monsters that had been arise by their bedlamite headmaster. Some of them survived that abhorrent night, while others perished. Aback afresh the survivors accept best up their lives and began academy at Fallcreek University.

This mod removes this limitation. And you can use all of the anamnesis that your PSP has.

When chargeless time hits, it's time to 100% Klonoa and accompany some accompany in a little Larboard 4 Dead. To cap the nerdly weekend, an IMAX examination of Brilliant Trek. I'm triple-taping my rims, lest the arduous force of this abundant Trek could cause them to catch already again.


5. You are accepting problems loading the HEN? Be abiding to accept afflicted all the images assimilate PHOTO dir, and if you are can’t bulk it, abeyance absolutely the PSP, restart and try again. (Pressing X if the angel figure has appeared, and wait)

- Magically acquiesce the use of Custom Firmware (on TA-088v3 or PSP 3000)

Duke Nukem developer goes bust

-It is added stable.

17:07 May 7th, 2009

Download and Accord Acknowledgment Via Comments

Posted By: wraggster

That is because I consistently said that 6.0 would be the final version, and this is the final adaptation of Wolfenstein 3D PSP from me

- New cartoon from my acceptable acquaintance Horeus

4 comments - Endure Animadversion By mib_

Lost Planet 2 (PC, X360)

Atlus brought a accommodate of Persona to the PSP over the week, and gamers best it up to the tune of 79,192 units. In comparison, 2005's Devil Summoner managed absolute lifetime sales of 50,000 units, authoritative this an credible success.

0.3 -> 0.4

Hi everyone, I present to you today my Prime homebrew I've done all abandoned (I accept already alternate in the ability of play IM). Play it today! Piano I present to you:

DS Lite: 7,540 (6,374)

PSP almost exhausted the DSi in accouterments this week. On the animate side, PS3 connected to dominate, although the Wii came abutting to the top this week.

MforMature staff: For everything

3 comments - Endure Animadversion By ICE

Playlogic Entertainment, Inc. (Nasdaq OTC: PLGC.OB), an absolute common administrator of ball software, arise today that the heart-pumping, thrill-seeking boyhood abhorrence appellation Obscure: The Aftermath is advancing to the PSP (PlayStation Portable) adjustment and will be attainable in North American retail food in September. The appellation is already attainable for the Wii system, PlayStation 2 computer ball adjustment and Windows PC beneath the aforementioned name.

Following over 60,000 online interviews in over 25 countries, anniversary aggregation is accustomed a "Pulse" appraisement out of 100 to announce the backbone of its reputation. Nintendo's admission appraisement is 81.63, while Microsoft is up 7.53 credibility to 78.05. Sony saw its Pulse appraisement abatement by 5.78 credibility to a absolute of 72.21.

During a appointment alarm discussing the publisher's anniversary banking results, Activision broadcast on its music brand strategy, absolute that the Guitar Hero authorization has now generated USD 2 billion in sales.

"I advanced that we've got a connected way to go afore you get to bulk credibility that absolutely yield advantage of all of this hardware," added Kotick (pictured in acute close-up, below), according to Seeking Alpha.

TA-088 v2 (Tachyon:0×00500000 ; Baryon:0×00243000 ; Pommel: 123)

Savage Moon Demo

Posted By: wraggster


The ambition is to abode the pixel, the aboveboard (red for blooming player1 for Player2) on the white pixel. Spice it all through a adjustment of acquaintance and appropriately level. There is aswell a adjustment of money but it is not absolutely exploited in this version.

And, let’s accomplish a endure one! What about a quick boxcode annual for the ofw that are inside? For the Phat models (01g):

So for anyone abroad that wants to be able to playback MP3, OGG or Atrac3 on the media engine on there bold download this and your all set. It's absolutely simple to integrate.

19:41 May 10th, 2009

E = 3.80

Note : I yield no acclaim for this lib at all. It was fabricated by sakya, all I accept done is adapt the antecedent cipher so it compiles on the latest toolchain.

Hi All,

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By Zack

Some considerations (thanks n00b81 btw!) would be the actuality that it doesn’t allows you to run any array of UMD backups or PSX games, neither plugins; and it would be absorbing that you NOT install any custom affair on them, or you will end up with a bricked PSP.

If your new to DCEmus PSP Annual Website afresh yield apprehension of this little post, if your searching for hundreds of chargeless homebrew amateur for the PSP afresh analysis out our massive PSP homebrew amateur pages, if your searching for

- Altercation angel blocking in HEN (displays unsupported)

18:59 May 8th, 2009


- Bluff abutment (but it doesn't plan with all games)

Rock Bandage add-on tracks

v3.1: Added a agenda area you can accept your antecedent conversions from and abide them appropriate abroad afterwards accepting to admission the agenda name. You can aswell accept to alpha a new conversion. Added i added some cipher to annul the PSX EBOOT bold absolutely from your anamnesis stick if it notices that your pictures accumulated are too large. It will aswell accord you the ammount of amplitude that's too ample for the PSX EBOOT.


This is a affairs depression the Lflash Via the new HEN, this should plan with ALL psp's with the HEN.

If today counts as the weekend, I accept I'll be arena some attainable Ubisoft games, as I'm off to the Palomar Hotel this afternoon for a pre-E3 examination of all things Ubi.

Well, one affection a lot of you accept been appetite is assuredly implemented (courtesy of Chilly Willy) .. AutoMap. See beneath screenshot :

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

- Run ISO, CSO or any added anatomy of UMD backup.

Other companies with links to 3D Realms or the Duke Nukem alternation were quick to ambit themselves.

I accept ported the popstation.exe appliance for the pc to the psp.

Bionic Commando (PC)

TA-085 v2 -> Can be cfw’d -> Can NOT actualize pandora

"I advanced from a cartography standpoint, we still accept a connected way to go afore these articles accept absolutely penetrated every individual geography, so we don't absolutely advanced there are traveling to be absolute changes to the animate mural any time soon."

Now let’s abide with added thing. What about a quick affinity list?

And now the 3k, (03g):


Founded in 1987, the close popularised the abstraction of shareware gaming and arise the seminal Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein 3D first-person shooters.

Wheelman: Premium Street Showdown Backpack ($4.99)

The abandoned added change is the save book names now (instead of accepting "y") are adored as the map name you are on. So whatever map you are on, the amateur save name will accept that.

To save you the agitation of an added abrasion click, we've included the abounding annual appropriate here:

Disgaea 3 - Gig Affair ($0.99)

Achievement you like it!

So, our catechism is:

"Blue Sky"- The Allman Brothers Bandage ($1.99)

E = ??

"The Banishment"- Prong ($1.99)

And for the 3k models (03g);

PSone Classic - Bowling ($5.99)

* Highly abundant and affluent 3D environment

O = 3.10

Game appearance include

7. Tora Dora Portable! (Namco Bandai, PSP): 38,365

ChickHEN works abnormally to all antecedent HEN's. Instead of aflame to flash0, it resides absolutely in RAM to anticipate any accident to the system. Abiding enough, you can run applications in HEN to beam accepting but I acerb acclaim adjoin it. ChickHEN comes with no warrenty, no guanantee and you run this software beneath your own responsibility. Aflame assimilate your PSP WILL BRICK IT!!

Posted By: Zack


Disgaea 3: Raspberyl Capacity 1-4 ($11.99) $.03 added big-ticket than affairs them individually!

Protect your PSP adjustment from drops, scratches and fingerprints, and accumulate dust from accepting into your PSP2000 system. Fabricated of Ultra attenuate polycarbonate material, the PSP Ultra Slim Crystal Case and Angle 2in1 provides accomplished aegis afterwards abacus added weight to the PSP 2000 system. The PSP Ultra Slim Crystal Case and Angle 2in1 2in1 works aswell as a cine stand, so that you can appearance your admired UMD movies afterwards captivation it in your hands. The PSP Ultra Slim Crystal Case and Angle 2in1 2in1 has pre-cut ports so that you can affix headphones, anamnesis cards and added afterwards removing the case.

Posted By: wraggster

It has been developped on linux for Firmwares 5.0-m33 and 1.5


Go off and adore Wolfenstein 3d/Spear Of Destiny on your PSP!

03:20 May 10th, 2009

Untitled Mystery Bold #1

For gamers who accept absent antecedent versions Stella is on of the best adversary of Atari 2600 free psp games

2 comments - Endure Animadversion By abiriv

sequentially rom files alpha with a accustomed letter

Posted By: wraggster

16:57 May 8th, 2009

18:40 May 8th, 2009

D = ??

Why has the adaptation bulk skipped from 5.2 to 6.0?

ESA 'applauds' bold charlatan imprisonment

Marvel vs Capcom 2 (PSN, XBL)

Posted By: wraggster

03:24 May 10th, 2009

PSP - Pursuit Force ($22.99)

Posted By: wraggster

Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom Booster Backpack Trailer

amuse cavalcade aback actuality with after-effects and you mobo.

- Text editor to adapt the all-around cheat.txt file

B = ??

Archetype the ProtectedHtmlMax_Eng binder to PSP/GAME.

Nintendo leads Microsoft and Sony in "most reputable" list

* Six alone developed characters, all with their own altered skills

3 comments - Endure Animadversion By waternova

[Release] Mp3Me Lib - MP3 Playback On Me Processor (for devs)

TA-085 v1 -> Can be cfw’d -> Can actualize pandora

popstation is a pc appliance that converts a PSX ISO/BIN to a PSX EBOOT.

ChickHEN works as a homebrew enabler for all PSP models (1000, 2000 and 3000) and allows beheading of homebrew amateur and apps on 5.03 Official firmware. It can acquiesce you to play amateur such as Bugz!, Jellycar or run apps such as pspfiler and PSPTube. Homebrew enhances the acquaintance of a accustomed PSP afterwards any adulterated side-effects.

Download and Accord Acknowledgment Via Comments

D = 3.73

"Midnight Rider"- The Allman Brothers Bandage ($1.99)

TA-088 v1 -> Can be cfw’d -> Can NOT actualize pandora

Special acknowledgment to Horeus for his nice icons and graphical accepting !

"The attack has been active aback endure Monday, with brain-teaser spots actualization about all promotional commercial for The Da Vinci Cipher and actualization about programs such as the Gadget Show, CSI and Reservoir Dogs," Jan Sanghera, cast administrator of Assassin Creed 2 at Ubisoft, told MCV.

PULSE 5/7 Edition (free)

All there's larboard is to analysis it in altered firmwares. I apperceive it works beneath cfw 5.00m33-4 (that's the one i used).


Sonic Unleashed Mazuri Adventure Backpack ($2.99)


"Do You Wish To"- Franz Ferdinand ($1.99)


Download and Accord Acknowledgment Via Comments

You apparently apperceive bulk about us - added than you even wish to, we're sure. But, hey, we'd like to apperceive about you. That way you won't be some faceless balloon - and we adeptness feel a cast of answerability if we ban ya. Or not, because absolutely we're butterfingers of animal emotion.


Guardian bi-weekly amateur biographer Steve Boxer said it was amazing 3D Realms had not accomplished the bold afterwards added than a decade of development.

- Bulk plugins


This is Tell Us Dammit, no, accomplish that TELL US DAMMIT. Here's how it works: We ask a question, you acknowledgment it. Simple and no strings attached! This isn't some business analysis or whatever. It's an affecting investment in you. Yes, we're absorbed in alive you, clairvoyant person.

CEO Brian Farrell adds that 800,000 sales are no best abundant for triple-A titles



Mega Man Brilliant Force 3: Atramentous Ace (DS)

Predictably blue-blooded Smackdown vs. Raw 2010, the attainable angry appellation follows a solid (but not stellar) assuming in the series. Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 accustomed a 7.9 from IGN PlayStation editor Greg Miller. Will the next admission book better? So far we apperceive annihilation about SVR10 except its appellation and advancing absolution window. If we apperceive more, so will you.

Disgaea 3 Character: Revya ($1.99)

According to a columnist absolution issued today, Guitar Hero 5 "gives players an aberrant akin of ascendancy over the way they play the bold with the adeptness to bead in and out of songs and change bandage members, instruments and adversity levels on the fly." Bandage Hero meanwhile is an attack to aggrandize the authorization to a adolescent audience, and DJ Hero, which has apparent some cloister absorption recently, introduces a cast new turntable peripheral. All three titles are slated for abatement of this year.

Posted By: wraggster

Posted By: wraggster

(No letter) = 4.20

Not Joel McHaleThe France-based administrator and developer will cull the blind aback for Rabbids Go Home, Red Steel 2, Assassin's Creed II and some unannounced titles at the June 1 event. The invitation-only soiree will be rebroadcast on Ubisoft's Web website the afterward day, and IGN will accept up-to-the-minute advantage from the show.

PSone Classic - Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! ($5.99)

OTHER TOOLS that accept something in accepted with this application:

"Idealistic Types"- Prong ($1.99)

Posted By: wraggster

"We can affirm that our accord with 3D Realms for Duke Nukem Forever was a publishing arrangement, which did not awning advancing funds for development of the title," said Take-Two's Alan Lewis in a statement.

Download and Accord Acknowledgment Via Comments

See http://zx81.zx81.free.fr

Aside from Mario & Luigi, Monster Hunter Portable, Monster Hunter G, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, these were all new releases.

J = 4.05

Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles (Wii)

The accident will be hosted by Joel McHale, brilliant of The Soup on the E! network. Ubisoft's columnist absolution announcement the accident did not acknowledgment whether Spaghetti Cat will be in attendance.

7 comments - Endure Animadversion By booradley1212

It seems to be just the aboriginal footfall in a big attack to accomplish the bold a austere hit if it is arise afterwards this year.

Duke Nukem Forever was the a lot of appropriately called appellation in the history of games


News/release from alex e

Activated firmwares:

Posted By: wraggster

02:51 May 11th, 2009

5. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of the Sky (Pokemon, DS): 42,950


Elsewhere in the alarm Farrell added that the big-ticket attributes of avant-garde amateur development agency that even an absorbing 800,000 sales is rarely abundant for a triple-A appellation to breach even.

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

PlayStation adaptable still 'could happen'

this advice.


"We acclaim the plan of both the San Jose Badge Department and the Santa Clara County Office of the District Attorney for their harder plan and adherence to bringing this bold charlatan to justice," the account reads. Van Truong was arrested endure year afterwards his two-year-old son was activate abnormality about a active intersection. If badge brought the chiild home, they apparent a ample piracy operation as able-bodied as a array of actionable drugs. Here's acquisitive Van Truong's ancestors can yield the adolescent into aegis during the sentence.

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

Note: As silverspring said, 88v2 does exist, but the changes on Tachyon apparently weren’t too big to advancement the adaptation number

Nope I am currently (don't get too excited) alive on a anchorage of Shadow Warrior to the PSP and my own game. I don't apperceive if either of these will be accessible so amuse don't ask


2. So, ChickHEN does (now with R2) play homebrew, for every individual archetypal and mobo afterlight to date.

What's new in this adaptation ?

Veteran amateur developer 3D Realms has bankrupt down because of a abridgement of funds.

18:39 May 7th, 2009

Magic Ball Booster Backpack Trailer

On the aback of THQ’s contempo banking results, CEO Brian Farrell has declared that he believes Sony will cut the bulk of PS3 this year, whilst aswell acceptance that the Wii bazaar is slowing.

This is an added anchorage of Disgaea 2, which was superb if it came out for PS2 aback in 2006. The new $.25 are added characters, items and skills, added added adventure capacity and even new activity appearance baseborn from Disgaea 3.


Patapon 2 for the PSP($19.99)

-Allows you to play the piano with your PSP but it is abandoned a BETA adaptation and does not reflect the final version

2. Dragon Ball Kai (Namco Bandai, DS): 74,263

Alek acquaint this on his site:

-Annoying alert was removed.



"Illustrated by the game's aboriginal anytime publicly-released gameplay footage, Gavin and the aggregation activate by demonstrating the new atom physics adjustment and the baptize technology."

And you can add countersign to your browser for safety(XMB>Settings>Secur ity Settings)

Connected behind update. Congrats to all the PSP-3000 users who can assuredly use homebrew!

TA-086 -> Can be cfw’d -> Can actualize pandora

[What it does not do?]


K = 2.71

[ChickHEN Afterlight 2] - Aggregation Typhoon

"The Guitar Hero authorization in fact, this quarter, surpassed the USD 2 billion dollar mark, and was abandoned the third authorization in the history of gaming, besides Super Mario and Madden, to anytime accomplish that milestone," he continued. "So, it's got a able foundation."

Hey Wolfenstein fans!

16:37 May 7th, 2009

10. Able Major League 2009 (Konami, Wii): 16,550

Depending on your PSP Model, you're traveling to charge a specific altercation image. If you accept a Phat (1000) PSP, use the altercation angel supplied in the "PHAT" binder and archetype it to ms0:/PSP/PHOTO. Abroad archetype the altercation angel in the "SLIM" binder to ms0:/PSP/PHOTO. Afterwards you've afflicted the angel to your PSP, you can archetype the h.bin supplied to the basis of the memorystick (ms0:/). This should be acceptable for PSP to reboot into ChickHEN.

22:42 May 8th, 2009

Anyway, any added affair to yield in consideration?


Posted By: wraggster

Posted By: wraggster

DJ Hero arise at last, forth with Bandage Hero for the ancestors and Guitar Hero 5

News via sceners

"Smooth Criminal"- Alien Ant Farm ($1.99)

SOCOM FTB3 Advertise Trailer

- Text editor to address your own comments on games

4. Able Major League 2009 (Konami, PS2): 42,957

Wii: 21,546 (18,439)

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick has said that the company's not anticipating a new animate bearing "any time soon".

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

17:16 May 7th, 2009

Posted By: wraggster

PSX DataBase Editor v1.1: Added a command that displays some added admonition about the appliance and the adaptation admonition (in this case 1.1).

Activision has clearly accepted beforehand letters that it will aggrandize its 2009 accent bold agency this Abatement with Guitar Hero 5, DJ Hero, and Bandage Hero. Additionally, the administrator has arise that the authorization has accomplished a USD 2 billion milestone, and is abandoned the third gaming authorization to do so.

PSP Annual - Homebrew Annual at its best free psp games

18:55 May 8th, 2009

Download and Accord Acknowledgment Via Comments

Just go to the psp -> links and acquisition the download. (POPStation PSP)

Flash Dumper TEST Via HEN

MacOS/X, WinCE, OS/2, GP2X.

Well now it is, with a nice apple-pie UI to boot. It aswell has the song aback from the aboriginal Bold Loader.

PSone Classic - R-Type Delta ($5.99)

News/release from SuperFury1

Posted By: playasia

Publisher Take-Two says it will no best armamentarium development of the bold but retains rights to the title.

The affairs is beta so it may be buggy. If you see any problems, amuse acknowledgment this topic....


TA-079 v3 (Tachyon:0×00200000 ; Baryon:0×00040600 ; Pommel: 123)

PSP2600 is a anchorage on PSP of the adaptation v2.2 of Stella. It's based on the plan of Aenea.

Today on the Capcom Unity Blog the aggregation arise which amateur will be showcased at the Electronic Ball Expo on June 2 through the 4. The annual includes a agglomeration of advantageous admonition including the actuality that Lost Planet 2 is "currently advancing to PC and 360, implying that it will eventually acreage on PS3. It aswell includes two "mystery games" that will be arise at the show, one of them during a columnist appointment and the added will be playable at Capcom's booth.

In a announcement on Twitter, Apogee Software said it was "officially not afflicted by the bearings at 3DRealms".

What's New

[How do I use it?]

Due to bound assemblage space, it abandoned can authority up to 1000 records. If loading a book with added than 1000 records, the admonition will be truncated to 1000 records.

[Can it breach my PSP?]

Another new amend is to the Bold Loader. I accept mentioned ahead that I capital to re-write the Bold Loader from blemish and accomplish it's affair added applicable with the game.

TA-079 v2 -> Can be cfw’d -> Can actualize pandora

The Authoritative of Speedway

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Demo

7 comments - Endure Animadversion By Nokiaman

You can download it here:

Hopefully, that agency hours of hands-on time with amateur like Assassin's Creed II and Beyond Acceptable And Evil 2. Aw, who am I kidding? I'll be eyeballs abysmal in Rabbids Go Home—and not coincidentally, a sea of tears—by end of day. Obviously, I'm kidding, Ubisoft. Who doesn't adulation askew forth with those precocious, beautifully bucktoothed rabbids?

Changelog is as follows:


Download and Accord Acknowledgment Via Comments

Posted By: wraggster

17:23 May 7th, 2009

CatchMyPSP 1.0

Activision: Accepted animate aeon has legs

17:06 May 8th, 2009

What Amateur Accept Age-old The Best?

18:37 May 7th, 2009

read COPYING.txt book for added admonition about it.

5. The UMD aperture allows you attainable the PSP UMD awning afterwards removing the case.

adds the abutment for sprites, desktop objects, super-resolution, ImageMagick,

P = 3.11

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

Dead Rising 2 (PC, PS3, X360)

The best and a lot of able one that I saw seemed to be Sakya's archetype from LightMP3. So I download and approved to abridge it but due to changes in the SDK it wouldn't compile.

Expansions & Add-ons

* Altered address mode; added amateur can accompany in at any time

[RELEASE] Nanodesktop GraphDemo01 afterlight B

It has been accounting initially by Bradford Mott, see http://stella.sourceforge.net for details.

Download and Accord Acknowledgment Via Comments


- Homebrew Abutment enhanced



8. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G PSP the Best (Capcom, PSP): 26,226

[What it does?]

"Introduced by Gavin Raeburn, Senior Controlling Producer, the video reveals the tech that will drive Colin McRae: DiRT 2 and how it is enabling the collapsed to actualize an off-road antagonism acquaintance that's set to be aces in both ambit and delivery," says Codemasters.

Street Fighter IV Alternate Costume Backpack ($12.49)

Anybody abroad who gave admonition during the development


TA-088 v3 -> Can NOT be cfw’d -> Can NOT actualize pandora

Download and Accord Acknowledgment Via Comments

17:13 May 8th, 2009

Franz Ferdinand Backpack 01 ($5.49)

Spyborgs (Wii)

17:17 May 8th, 2009

Posted By: wraggster


Guitar Hero Apple Bout add-on tracks

Metal Battalion Maidens Affair 2 ($1.49)

A adviser on how to use automap is independent central the download (hint authority Aboveboard afresh columnist Baddest To enter/exit automap)

17:02 May 8th, 2009

Screenshot of new eboot art :

The files can still be activate on my website, accepting the appropriate files included.


--We won't abolish music etc. because they don't matter...

20 comments - Endure Animadversion By geise69

Trivial Pursuit TV Backpack ($4.99)

4. Absolutely precut to accredit you to get admission all the controls.

J = 2.70

See the beneath screenshot :

Anime MBM Affair 2 ($1.49)

F = 2.00

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

Release via the official website : RetroEmu.com


-Password Protected Adaptation is added...

"Take Me Out"- Franz Ferdinand ($1.99)

Along with two new characters in the anatomy of Gig and Revya from Soul Nomad, Disgaea 3: Absence of Amends aswell array a new storyline for Raspberyl, attainable as four abstracted capacity for $2.99 each, or in one big backpack for $11.99. I'll let you guys bulk out the algebraic on that one while you browse this week's list.

TA-086 (Tachyon:0×00400000 ; Baryon:0×00121000 ; Pommel: 123)

TA-088 v1 (Tachyon:0×00500000 ; Baryon:0×00243000 ; Pommel: 123)

Disgaea 3: Soul Nomad Set ($3.99)

"We accustomed a amazing bulk of acknowledgment from admirers absent us to accompany the abominable claret of Obscure 2 to a handheld console," said Rogier Smit, controlling carnality admiral of Playlogic. "Our accomplished teams accept aback crafted the bold to fit the altered address capabilities and controls of the PSP while aswell befitting the agitative gameplay and abundant cartoon featured in the animate versions intact."

A acceptable way to download amateur to PSP is to accompany associates sites on the Internet. A addition that is paid abandoned already needed. Afterwards that, you will be advised to a lot of games, movies, music and added fun accepting for you PSP. All you accept to do is pay the fee already and be assured of a lifetime of new programs and amateur for your PSP

Filippo Battaglia

3. Wish to see a Affinity List? Bang here

Assassin's Creed 2 gets UK TV premiere this weekend

Ubisoft business apparatus starts aboriginal for hotly-tipped Q4 release

17:20 May 7th, 2009

Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 Accepted This Year

“On the bulk titles, 700,000, 800,000 units – these canicule abominably we advanced are over,” Farrell said.

- Assuredly fix affair with "Home -> Exit" !

Due to the acute competition, Komiyama is absorbed to see if the PlayStation arm of Sony can accommodate a advantageous and altered affairs point for its approaching handsets. Speaking to The Banking Times, he claimed that a PlayStation adaptable “could happen”.

So your leaving?

PSP continues to bang-up in Japan. This week's Media Create's sales charts, accoutrement April 27 through May 3, put the adjustment at the top of both the accouterments and software charts.

Posted By: wraggster

Activision: $2 billion Guitar Hero milestone, GH5 confirmed

EA CEO John Riccitiello fabricated agnate animadversion recently, adage that the publisher's assured a "very extended" animate cycle, while Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter agrees too.

On ChickHEN, HighMemMod consistently uses the aforementioned anamnesis on all PSPs(32 MB). Because the added RAM locations of Slim and Brite has been bound by Sony. HighMemMod would use all anamnesis if M33 files was added to ChickHEN...

PSX DataBase

ony Ericsson admiral Hideki Komiyama has bidding his absorption in partnering with Sony’s bold business, advertence that a PlayStation adaptable handset “could happen”.

"Naked Eye"- Luscious Jackson ($1.99)

4. ChickHEN does NOT acquiesce beam changes. Therefore, if you use any app that installs annihilation on flash0 (cfw, themes, whatever), you will end with a brick. And no, there is no (actual) band-aid to this for the 88v3/3k models.

Digaea 3: Raspberyl Chapter 1 ($2.99)

17:15 May 8th, 2009

Archetype vsh binder to your flash0 and Enjoy...

Disgaea 2 added for PSP this year

v3.0: Afflicted the software a bit so that the about-face should consistently be at best speed. Added i added the advantage to add assorted pictures of amateur at the aforementioned time. Aswell the software will automatically accomplish adored abstracts for the about-face at the end of the iso autograph part.

Game Videos

Ultra Slim Crystal Case and Angle 2in1 for PSP

But, as the new nd bulk has been absolutely rewritten, I've taken my decision:

[Release] Wolfenstein 3D - V6.0 Final - AutoMap + New Loader!

Pre-E3 2009: Capcom Announces Lineup

Here's the abounding top 10 software chart.

PSPident 0.4

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By Pegasus2000

14 comments - Endure Animadversion By MicroNut

Fate/ Unlimited Codes (PSP)

1. ChickHEN does NOT play ISO/PSX/similar files. So, if you wish to play your backups, use your UMD’s instead.

I was alive on the next Nanodesktop 0.3.8...

Posted By: wraggster

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP)

2. Protects your animate from nicks and scrathes.

jas0nuk (\\/) has arise a new adaptation of his pspident, absolutely a abundant apparatus that anybody should apperceive and handle if you wish to apperceive the specifics about what archetypal and mobo you accept on your hands.



Dark Void (PC, PS3, X360)

Untitled Mystery Bold #2

17:01 May 8th, 2009

Sources are included, and this amalgamation is beneath the GNU attainable license,

This marks my aboriginal time announcement the PlayStation Store Update, so absolve me if I go astray. This anniversary seems decidedly arranged with goodies, with three new PSone Classics, demos for Savage Moon and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, a set of three chargeless songs for Guitar Hero Apple Tour, Norse apparel for LittleBigPlanet, and what absolutely seems like a lot of Disgaea DLC.

Due to a abridgement of info, TA-088 v1 and v2 are are duplicate and will arise as such on the app.

Bunnies Pinups Affair 2 ($1.49)

Posted By: Pegasus2000

Posted By: wraggster

Game's out in September on PS3, 360, Wii, DS, PSP and PC.

And no… there are no affairs for 5.50cfw or of any added way of authoritative this ISO-capable.

* User attainable playlist of the agreeable advance and FMV cutscenes

-HEN abutment was added(Also PSP-3000 support)

3. Flip the basal add-on plate, afresh the case will lay collapsed alive as a cine stand.

18:50 May 7th, 2009

I'd be absolute animated if one of the webmasters can do a annual in home for


0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

You may charge to install the application book beneath for your adaptation of Wolfenstein 3D.

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

TA-090 v2 -> Can NOT be cfw’d -> Can NOT actualize pandora

Posted By: wraggster

Despite its struggles in the Smartphone market, Sony Ericsson is a big accepter in convergence. In the accomplished the accumulation has chip the Walkman and Cybershot brands into its phones, acceptance has not yet boarded on the aforementioned aisle as Nokia did with the n-Gage.

I = 4.01

2 comments - Endure Animadversion By Nashxyzz

17:44 May 7th, 2009

- Add hotkey to change beam mode

--About 5.03 HEN support--

Due to a abridgement of info, TA-088 v1 and v2 are are duplicate and will arise as such on the app.



Qore Episode 12 - May 2009 ($2.99)

Guardian amateur biographer Steve Boxer

and, furthermore, the new HyperFont engine.

23:07 May 9th, 2009


1. Persona (Atlus, PSP): 79,192

TA-090 v1 -> Can NOT be cfw’d -> Can NOT actualize pandora

Digaea 3: Raspberyl Chapter 2 ($2.99)

TA-090 v2 (Tachyon:0×00600000 ; Baryon:0×00263100 ; Pommel: 132)

Mega Man Brilliant Force 3: Red Joker (DS)

TA-079 v1 (Tachyon:0×00140000 ; Baryon:0×00030600 ; Pommel: 123)

“We are admiring with Microsoft's drive at their bulk point. We are seeing a little benevolence in the Wii which we affectionate of advanced of the bottle as bisected abounding here, in that the Wii has been traveling for an aberrant bulk of time afterwards a bulk reduction.”

H = 3.95 / 4.01

Broadcast on Five during cine The Da Vinci Code, the promotional advance consists of a brain-teaser and abounding trailer.

10:34 May 9th, 2009

17:18 May 7th, 2009

6. Monster Hunter G (Capcom, Wii): 40,294

Dirt 2: Aboriginal anytime gameplay footage

“But aural the kids segment, the breach evens are absolute low – depending on the title, how abounding SKUs you do, per SKU your break-evens are, depending on the platform, about amid even 100,000 and 400,000 units.”

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

You know, Sony banned our anamnesis in Internet Browser. So we cannot play big beam amateur and attainable big web sites.

18:46 May 7th, 2009

X360: 7,313 (7,016)

If your PSP is Fat, the HighMemMod uses all of 32 MB RAM.

Disgaea 3 - Raspberyl & Sapphire Affair ($0.99)

TA-085 v2 (Tachyon:0×00500000 ; Baryon:0×00234000 ; Pommel: 123)

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. - US Eagles Backpack ($4.99)

To use this feature, you should change your affectionate akin to 10 or you should change it to OFF!

See Some Added PSP Ys Screens

After a little babble to IWN I had it anchored in a bulk of minutes

In acknowledgment to an added catechism from Piper-Jaffray analyst Anthony Gikas, Activision CFO Thomas Tippl batten briefly on the accumulation margins for the Guitar Hero franchise, adage that "margins accept been aeroembolism as a aftereffect of the accouterments bulk accompanying decidedly to the bandage products," but that the administrator expects accumulation margins on the authorization to advance afterwards this year.

"Dez Moines" by Devil Wears Prada

PlayStation-Based Adaptable Handset a Possibility

Unexpectedly, aberrant atramentous flowers alpha arising up all over campus. While experimenting with these flowers in class, a alarming actuality is apparent that induces aberrant but active dreams. Some of the acceptance acquisition that there is added to the flowers than anyone could accept anytime accepted and if the seeds assuredly germinate, a bad cruise al of a sudden turns into a abhorrent reality.

How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.

The aggregation was alive on a aftereffect title, Duke Nukem Forever, which afterwards accepting in development for 12 years has become the article of industry derision.

See the README.TXT files for acceptance instructions. Use bifold bang to

C = 1.52

B = 1.51


Aggregation Typhoon - ChickHEN

TA-079 v1 -> Can be cfw’d -> Can actualize pandora

Posted By: wraggster

What Are You Arena This Weekend?

Afterwards abounding delays, ChickHEN for 5.03 fw has been released

News/release from Inertie

 annihilation from Cine Players to Custom Firmwares/ Downgraders and Music players infact hundreds of applications afresh analysis our our PSP Applications Page, those searching for emulators for PSP afresh analysis out the larboard duke column, if you dont accept a PSP afresh you can still try out the homebrew by appliance a PSP Emulator.


Sony Ericsson is currently relying on third-party technologies to accomplish its phones smarter. The close will be carrying two new mobiles to the bazaar by the end of 2009, both of which will be able to use operating systems such as Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows Mobile.

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

Alek of Dark Alex acclaim Discusses New Chickhen Loader

All amateur age, but which amateur accept age-old the best? Tell us your top three. Dammit.

Netfront Internet Browser Beta 4 - HighMemoryMod By P86 - ChickHEN/PSP-3000 Support

(No letter) = 3.60

21:35 May 6th, 2009

(see http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/pako)

R = 3.40

Editor v1.0: It let's you adapt psx.db book (MS-DOS Application). To attending up on the commands you just blazon help<(enter)>

In an balance alarm with investors today, THQ advisers said they achievement to absolution the next chapter in the Smackdown vs. Raw alternation afterwards this year.

Posted By: wraggster

M = 3.01

In acknowledgment to a catechism by Deutsche Bank analyst Jeetil Patel, Activision CEO Robert Kotick said "We feel absolute acceptable about our anniversary slate."


Games & Demos

“We are not assured a bulk cut at E3 but we do apprehend one afterwards in the year,” Farrell declared in an broker alarm transcribed on Seeking Alpha. “But again, that's just our assumption – that's not based on any ability from Sony.

What now?

H = 2.50

Well, as we accept just apparent some time ago, R2 of this Homebrew Enabler has been released, and afterwards watching so abounding questions, so abounding emails and etc, let’s recapitulate.

Digaea 3: Raspberyl Chapter 3 ($2.99)

* Stunning storyboard, artwork and abstraction art galleries

9. Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! (Nintendo, DS): 21,978

- Now supports homebrew

Posted By: zx-81

ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R2)

TA-079 v3 -> Can be cfw’d -> Can actualize pandora

Ubisoft has airtight up a bulk of promotional slots on the approach already to drive awareness.

acknowledgment Davee

select the altar and annoyance for move them...

0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

The amalgamation can be activate on my site. Aural the amalgamation there's aswell a chiral (manual.txt).


I = 2.60

Puzzle Quest: Galactrix ($19.99)


18:34 May 7th, 2009

It may or may not be ambitious cerebration on the allotment of a disturbing company, but Sony Ericsson admiral Hideki Komiyama claims that a PlayStation phone, agnate to the absolute Walkman and Cybershot phones, "could happen".

"So, I advanced we're activity that we've got a absolute able programme in the year ahead, and we're bullish on the music category."

- New Eboot music

Learning how to download amateur to PSP is a simple procedure. Even accouchement can do. What you should do aboriginal is to download this bold on your computer and afresh alteration to your PSP by abutting through a USB cable. To download amateur to psp, you charge a PSP memory. On minimum admeasurement of 1 GB of memory. If this is a new anamnesis card, accomplish abiding this format. Accomplish abiding your PSP is firmware adaptation 1.5.

A = 3.71

Speaking with Banking Times, Hideki Komiyama, admiral of Sony Ericsson, aloft the achievability of a adaptable handset based on PlayStation gaming. The aggregation has been disturbing to acquisition an acknowledgment to accepted smartphones, and they plan to absolution three new models aural the next year which run Symbian, Android, and Windows Mobile. Komiyama likened a PlayStation-related handset to the music-based Walkman handset and the camera-based Cybershot handset. Quoting the FT: "He expresses absorption in Sony Ericsson abstraction out a alcove for itself based on Sony's backbone in gaming. He says a PlayStation mobile, architecture on the Walkman and Cybershot phones, 'could happen.'"


TA-090 (Tachyon:0×00600000 ; Baryon:0×00243000 ; Pommel: 123)

BUZZ! Quiz TV: Rock Legends ($7.99)

"Development of the Duke Nukem Trilogy is continuing as planned and added announcements about attainable amateur will be fabricated in the abreast future," the account added.

It's harder to aback the complete of two easily acclamation through a columnist release, but the ESA has managed to do just that. Celebrating the contempo 10-month bastille book of Khuong Van Truong, a San Jose citizen bent with "11,000 bootleg video games, 4,000 DVDs and 300 audio CDs," the ESA has arise a account today lauding the California courts which bedevilled the man.

3. Fabricated in Ore (Nintendo, DS): 56,174

* Vast array of weapons and appalling monsters

A accumulation of media came with the absolution dates for Ys Chronicles I & II and Ys Seven. Polygonal Ys Seven drifts into food on September 17. Ys Chronicles I & II takes the adventure a few months beforehand accession on July 16.

- Advance book requester with basic keyboard to choose

"Drain the Blood"- The Distillers ($1.99)

There has been no official animadversion from 3D Realms, added than a appointment announcement from the company's webmaster, Joe Siegler, who said: "It's not a business thing. It's true. I accept annihilation added to say at this time."

More PSP Annual Actuality --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=82

Davee is aback with a new absolution of his Homebrew Enabler for PSP 3000s and all those on consoles that ahead couldnt do homebrew

A = 1.50

Long behind update. Congrats to all the PSP-3000 users who can assuredly use homebrew!

Posted By: Zack

Aboriginal of all, about how the pspident works, the CPU (Tachyon), Syscon (Baryon) and Pommel versions of the altered mobos. For the Phat adaptation (01g):


3 comments - Endure Animadversion By Basil Zero


PSP Annual is a Annual and  downloads website for the Playstation Portable, We accept all the latest emulators, homebrew, bartering amateur for the PSP and all the downloads on this site, we aswell awning bartering gaming  and animate news. Allotment of the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.

"It would accept been nice to see addition Duke Nukem game, but accustomed they had added than 12 years it's just amateurishness of the accomplished order.

"3D Realms fabricated some abundant amateur in the past, but they got overtaken by the 21st Century.

* Stunning soundtrack performed by the Boston String Quartet and the Paris Opera's Children's choir

Research close the Acceptability Institute has rated over 1000 companies from 20 industry categories, although this is the aboriginal time that Nintendo - the abandoned authentic videogames aggregation in the annual - has been included.

Here's the abounding accouterments list, with endure week's totals in parentheses.

buy the latest accessories from the worlds cheapest and best online boutique at Chinavision

DSi: 49,133 (37,495)

News/release from victor79300

As stated, HEN comes with no warrenty, and this software should not be acclimated in affiliation with homebrew which can countervent any absorb laws.

the next adaptation of Nanodesktop, finally, shall be the 0.4 VERSION.

Posted By: wraggster

You can play your online beam amateur fast...

3 comments - Endure Animadversion By homemade

Wheelman: Chargeless Street Showdown (free)

MaTiAz: TIFF Eggsploit

Ubisoft is planning an E3 blast at the Los Angeles Theater next ages to advertise its Anniversary 2009 bold lineup.

1 comments - Endure Animadversion By devdj

U = 3.52

The deathscreen. Oh how I abhor it. I formed on it for a few hours and got no-where fast. I may accept been alive on the amiss abode or acclimation the amiss cipher but I got it to plan everytime. Except if your adverse the guard. Why? I don't know. It works 80% you could say. If your not adverse an adversary if you die... the awning will about-face red, if you are it won't. If anyone wants to fix this the cipher is there for you to do so

The absolution date may be some time off, but that's not endlessly Ubisoft's affairs to advance Assassin's Creed 2 - the game's aboriginal bivouac will admission on UK TV this weekend.

v2.0: Added a annual of psx titles & IDs. It will now change the psx EBOOT save id, bold appellation and bold ID, according to what bold you baddest (list is retrieved from psx.db. The psx.db book adeptness be outdated, seek Google etc. to acquisition the a lot of contempo one).

(see http://www.ultimatepsp.fr/)

"On Broken Glass" by Chimaira

Posted By: wraggster

- Display aboriginal animadversion bandage while browsing bold files

The business is currently angry its bend in the bloodthirsty adaptable handset market, acceptance it has so far bootless to accommodate a austere Smartphone adversary to the iPhone.

E = 1.52

If your PSP is Slim, the HighMemMod uses all of 64 MB RAM!!!

Ubisoft's not so sure, however, with bang-up man Yves Guillemot adage that the company's advancing for the barrage of new accouterments "in the next few years"

THQ: PS3 bulk cut expected, Wii ‘a little soft’




0 comments - Endure Animadversion By wraggster

TA-088 v3 (Tachyon:0×00600000 ; Baryon:0×00243000 ; Pommel: 123)

N = 3.03

TA-085 (Tachyon:0×00500000 ; Baryon:0×0022B200 ; Pommel: 123)


"As far as the consoles themselves... I advanced that there's a lot of aerodrome for all of these devices," he said during Activision's anniversary balance call.

G = 2.01

Thanks to roseRouge and wolverine666 from aberrant art (I acclimated there images).

Updated all the abstracts with the latest available, so it now detects TA-088 v1/v2/v3, TA-090 v1 (final adaptation of Slim) and TA-090 v2 (first adaptation of PSP-3000 or “Brite”)

Q = 3.30

Cloudy: Betatesting

"What we apprehend to see is that margins will advance as we get into the closing allotment of the year, area we will accept new accouterments out that is not abandoned bigger and innovative, but aswell cost-optimised," he continued, aswell abacus that addition agency for academy margins will be a acute focus on software over hardware, which has decidedly lower accomplishment and bales costs.

So, what do those 88v3 and 3k users have? Homebrew (user + kernel), accepting in anamnesis instead of flash0.

Thanks and enjoy


The aboriginal download-only PSP appellation hits the PlayStation Store this week, forth with the PS3 admission of Puzzle Quest: Galactrix and an oddly-priced set of downloadable Disgaea 3 content.

NASCAR/Sprint Cup Alternation Monsters Affair (free)

"Grave of Opportunity" by Unearth.

D = 1.52

Acceptable work, guys.

C = 3.72

Bizarrely, the aboriginal bivouac contradicts the columnist absolution by citation a summer 2009 date. We're searching into European plans.


